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Adult Formation
Adult Formation

Adult Faith Formation programs are scheduled throughout the year. They consist of speaker nights, book groups, retreats or various other activities that offer parishioners an opportunity to grow in their relationship with the Lord Jesus and with each other.



Adult Faith Formation programs are scheduled throughout the year. They consist of speaker nights, book groups, retreats or various other activities that offer parishioners an opportunity to grow in their relationship with the Lord Jesus and with each other.



Adult Faith Formation programs are scheduled throughout the year. They consist of speaker nights, book groups, retreats or various other activities that offer parishioners an opportunity to grow in their relationship with the Lord Jesus and with each other.



Christ Renews His Parish (CHRP) is a spiritual renewal process designed to bring members of our parish together in Christ. The CHRP process begins with a renewal weekend at the Parish (one weekend for men, one weekend for women) which runs from Saturday morning through Sunday afternoon.





Christ Renews His Parish (CHRP) is a spiritual renewal process designed to bring members of our parish together in Christ. The CHRP process begins with a renewal weekend at the Parish (one weekend for men, one weekend for women) which runs from Saturday morning through Sunday afternoon.






Christ Renews His Parish (CHRP) is a spiritual renewal process designed to bring members of our parish together in Christ. The CHRP process begins with a renewal weekend at the Parish (one weekend for men, one weekend for women) which runs from Saturday morning through Sunday afternoon.






Children's Liturgy of the Word (CLOW) program is held during the Saturday evening 5:30PM Mass and during the Sunday morning Masses at 8:30AM and 11:00AM from September to May. The children leave Mass to hear their own Liturgy of the Word in the Gathering Area with an adult catechist and return to their families at the Offertory of the Mass. This program is for children 4 to 8.


Service Ministries
Aid For Friends

This ministry involves our parishioners with making meals for the homebound not only in our parish, but throughout the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.  The volunteers meet the last Wednesday of each month at 7:00PM in the Parish Life Center to prepare the meals together. All are welcome to join us.



Food Bank
Delaware Valley Food Bank located in Lambertville serves the area of New Hope and Lambertville. St. Martin of Tours Parish, under the direction of St. Martin’s Cloak Ministry, takes up two food collections each year, one in the Fall and one in the Spring. We also have containers in our Gathering Area for weekly donations to the food bank. If you are interested in supporting this food bank, please feel free to drop off non-perishable items in the containers in the Gathering Area or participate in the semi-annual food collection. 


Cemetery Ministry

St. Martin’s Parish has a cemetery that is located behind the New Hope Borough buildings and the police station in New Hope. Semi-annually the members of our Cemetery Care Ministry clean up the grounds of the cemetery of any old flowers, arrangements, sprays and displays. If you are interested in being a part of this ministry, please contact the parish office.




This ministry involves our parishioners in the visiting of residents at the Pediatric Specialty Car Facility located in Point Pleasant, PA. There are 52 residents ranging from infants to 21 years of age with varying medical needs. 72% of those who reside at the facility have no family support. It is with those individuals that we wish to spend time. We are looking for people willing to share their time, read and interact with the babies and children



Helping Other People Every day (H.O.P.E.) ministry is a collective effort of volunteers from St. Martin’s parish, St. Phillips Episcopal Church, Little Shul by the River, and the borough. The ministry offers help to the people with a variety of needs such as rides to the doctor, the store, pharmacy, repair work done on their homes, meals in times of emergency, visits to the homebound. All are welcome to volunteer.


This Committee is a group of volunteer parishioners who offer hospitality and welcome parishioners and visitors after liturgical celebrations, special celebrations and other parish events. Refreshments are available in the Gathering Area of the Church.


St. Martins Cloak

This is a group of parishioners who have volunteered to work for and with those who are in need of emergency help of varying kinds— financial, medical, transportation, food or heating. The committee meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 8:00PM to pray, plan and serve the needs of others.

Prison Pen Pal

Our mission is to share God’s graces and be a caring ear to those who feel lost and forgotten. We welcome all volunteers 18 or older who wish to channel God’s love to those who may not be able to feel his presence. Volunteers will be given guidelines to ensure responsible communications.

UMC Community Kitchen

Our mission is to help United Methodist Church in Lambertville serve all who come for a meal by helping prep, cook and serve the meals. We welcome all volunteers who enjoy working and socializing while serving those in need.

Saint Martin Of Tours Church

1 Riverstone Circle

New Hope, PA 18938

Mass Schedule

Saturday - 9 AM & 5:30 PM

(5:30 PM Mass will be live-streamed)

Sunday - 8:30 AM & 11:00 AM

Mon., Weds., Fri., - 9:00 AM

Tuesday - 7:00 PM

(No Mass On Thursday) 

Confessions are heard 30 minutes before the weekend and Tuesday Masses.

Office Hours

Mon. - Fri. 9 AM - 5 PM

Phone: 215-862-5472

Fax: 215-862-1829


Vision Statement

Saint Martin of Tours Parish is a Eucharistic Community striving to be disciples of Jesus Christ. We nurture and encourage each other and all who join us as we grow spiritually through acts of faith, hope, and love. 

Parish Staff

Rev. Fred Kindon, Pastor

Deacon Peter Niche, Deacon

Mr. Alex Bennett, Parish Services Director

Mrs. Colleen Jones, Business Manager

Mr. Robert Lynn, Facilities Manager

Mrs. Amanda Runkle, Office Administrator

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