Parish Religious Education Program
Registration for PREP 2024-2025 will be open in March
2024-2025 PREP Dates:
June 24-28: 8:30am-2:00pm
October 6, November 10, December 8,
January 12, February 9, and March 9: 9:30am-10:45am.
The St. Martin of Tours Religious Education Program strives to provide a faith-filled learning environment modeled on the compassion, joy, and challenge of Jesus. Unless a child attends a Catholic school, parents are encouraged to enroll their children in the St. Martin of Tours Religious Education Program. Attendance in our PREP Program or a Catholic School for two consecutive years is a pre-requisite to receiving the Sacraments of Penance, First Eucharist, and Confirmation as prescribed by the Church. Participation in the Religious Education Program ensures a consistent course of learning in accordance with the Catechism of the Catholic Church and Archdiocesan guidelines. We invite all to share in this vision willingly and to embrace the following goals of the program:
To teach as Jesus did and share the basic elements of the Catholic Christian faith
To build a community of faith among faculty, students and parents.
To develop a sense of prayer, liturgy, and service within our faith.
To help parents fulfill their roles as primary religious educators of their children through the school year Enrichment Program, parent meetings regarding Sacramental preparation, and by being available to help in any way when requested.
To encourage families to participate in the educational, spiritual, liturgical, and social life of the St. Martin of Tours Parish Community.
To provide a faith community experience for each child as they journey in their faith. This community experience is most necessary and mandated for the years of immediate preparation for the sacraments.
St. Martin of Tours Parish Religious Education Program, staffed by paid, experienced faculty, exists as a service to our parish community. PREP encourages children to perform good works for others without seeking reward. St. Martin of Tours PREP Program is open to children grades 1-7 and is held for one week in June. PREP also continues into the school year. These are known as "Enrichment Classes". These classes run one Sunday a month from October to March. These classes enrich our children's Catholic education throughout the year and help prepare them for sacraments.
PREP Registration begins in March and closes in mid-April for a June class start date. PREP families must be registered as parishioners of St. Martin of Tours Church, and a Baptismal certificate/s must be presented for verification at the time of registration unless the child was baptized at St. Martin of Tours Church.
Non-parishioners need to submit a letter of permission from their Pastor or DRE with their registration form/s.
Please note that registration fees are non-refundable.
1 child: $250
2 children: $450
3 children: $600
A financial concern should not prevent children’s registration in our program. If there is a difficulty, please contact Fr. Kindon at 215-862-5472.
This fee covers the cost of each student’s textbook, classroom and art supplies, audiovisual purchases, resource materials, catechist training, facility costs, stipends for teachers, and other miscellaneous items.
A replacement fee of $20 is charged for lost books.
Director of Religious Education: Alex Bennett
Email: abennett@stmartinoftours.org
Call the office to set up an appointment with Alex!
Saint Martin Of Tours Church
1 Riverstone Circle
New Hope, PA 18938
Mass Schedule
Saturday - 9 AM & 5:30 PM
(5:30 PM Mass will be live-streamed)
Sunday - 8:30 AM & 11:00 AM
Mon., Weds., Fri., - 9:00 AM
Tuesday - 7:00 PM
(No Mass On Thursday)
Confessions are heard 30 minutes before the weekend and Tuesday Masses.
Office Hours
Mon. - Fri. 9 AM - 5 PM
Phone: 215-862-5472
Fax: 215-862-1829
E-Mail: info@saintmartinoftours.org
Vision Statement
Saint Martin of Tours Parish is a Eucharistic Community striving to be disciples of Jesus Christ. We nurture and encourage each other and all who join us as we grow spiritually through acts of faith, hope, and love.
Parish Staff
Rev. Fred Kindon, Pastor
Deacon Peter Niche, Deacon
Mr. Alex Bennett, Parish Services Director
Mrs. Colleen Jones, Business Manager
Mr. Robert Lynn, Facilities Manager
Mrs. Amanda Runkle, Office Administrator