Infant Baptism
If you are planning to have your baby baptized in the Catholic faith, please follow these instructions:
1. To request Baptism at St. Martin of Tours the family should be registered members of the parish.
2. Infant Baptism is for children from infancy age to six years of age.
3. Attend a Baptism Preparation (Pre Jordan) Class. Both parents are asked to take a Baptism Preparation Class.
4. Choose a Godparent or Godparents according to the listed requirements.
The Canon Law of the Catholic Church requires a male Godparent, or a female Godparent, or one of each. Before selecting Godparents, please carefully review the Godparent Information Form. At least one Godparent must meet these requirements. If you only have one Godparent, then a second person can be named as a “Christian Witness’ provided they practice another Christian faith.
Children Baptism
Children who have reached the “age of discretion” (7 years old) must be initiated (baptized and confirmed) using the Rite of Initiation of Adults, adapted for children.
If you wish to have your child (over the age of seven) baptized, please contact the Parish Office.
Adult Baptism
Adults seeking baptism need to proceed through the Rite of Initiation of Adults (RCIA program with the assumption that their baptism in the Catholic Church signifies their desire to become Catholic as well. RCIA will prepare the adults for the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, and Reconciliation.
Please contact the Parish office for more information or to schedule an appointment with the Pastor.
First Penance and First Holy Communion
St. Martin of Tours PREP students receive the sacraments of First Penance and First Holy Communion in the second grade. Once the students have completed their second year of PREP, they are then eligible to continue on to the Sacramental PREP program to receive the sacraments. Any candidate for the sacraments must have completed two years of religious education prior to receiving the sacraments.
St. Martin of Tours PREP students receive the sacraments of Confirmation in the seventh grade. Once the students have completed their sixth year of PREP, they are then eligible to continue on to the Sacramental PREP program to receive the sacrament. Any candidate for the sacraments must have completed six years of religious education prior to receiving the sacrament.
If the student is attending 6th grade Summer PREP in June at St. Martin of Tours, they would then be eligible to begin the Sacramental program the following May.
Before You Marry
Congratulations on your engagement. Marriage is probably the biggest step that anyone makes and involves many changes and challenges. The marriage of a Christian is an event of great celebration and one that we approach with great care.
Actively Participating In Your Faith
Marriage between two Christians is a public celebration of God's grace and blessing. Sometimes people come to us wanting to use the church building for a wedding celebration and they have little or no connection to the community of faith. We are always concerned that there is a clear understanding of the place of the sacrament of marriage in the life of the community. In order that the spiritual dimension of marriage is insured, marriages may only take place where at least one of the fiancés is a practicing Catholic. That means that one must have received the sacraments of initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist) and be regularly attending Mass and living the life of an active member of the church.
Who May Marry at St. Martin of Tours?
The Catholic Church has very particular rules about who may be married in a particular parish. This grows out of the notion of people being connected to faith communities. A Catholic who is a registered member of St. Martin of Tours and who is practicing their faith here, may be married here. Non-parishioners, even if being married by their priest, may not use our facility.There are others that do not live here that may be married here. These include college students or those in military service who intend to reside in the parish even though they are temporally absent from it.
1. At least one of the couple is a registered member of St. Martin of Tours.
2. A wedding Date cannot be set until the couple meets with the Pastor.
3. There is a six-month waiting period between the couple's meeting with the Pastor and the wedding.
4. Weddings are held on Friday or Saturday only.
The Catholic Church requires that everyone who is married in the Catholic Church is prepared for their marriage. In order to accomplish this in an orderly fashion and with adequate reflection, notice must be given to the parish six months prior to the desired date for the wedding. The preparation involves attendance at Pre-Cana and meeting with the Pastor. Please contact the Parish office for more information or to schedule an appointment.
Anointing of the Sick
The Anointing of the Sick is not a sacrament for those only who are at the point of death, it is also given to those who are seriously ill for strengthening, peace, and courage to overcome the difficulties that go with serious illness or the frailty of old age. For more information or to speak with the Pastor, please contact the Parish office.
Saint Martin Of Tours Church
1 Riverstone Circle
New Hope, PA 18938
Mass Schedule
Saturday - 9 AM & 5:30 PM
(5:30 PM Mass will be live-streamed)
Sunday - 8:30 AM & 11:00 AM
Mon., Weds., Fri., - 9:00 AM
Tuesday - 7:00 PM
(No Mass On Thursday)
Confessions are heard 30 minutes before the weekend and Tuesday Masses.
Office Hours
Mon. - Fri. 9 AM - 5 PM
Phone: 215-862-5472
Fax: 215-862-1829
Vision Statement
Saint Martin of Tours Parish is a Eucharistic Community striving to be disciples of Jesus Christ. We nurture and encourage each other and all who join us as we grow spiritually through acts of faith, hope, and love.
Parish Staff
Rev. Fred Kindon, Pastor
Deacon Peter Niche, Deacon
Mr. Alex Bennett, Parish Services Director
Mrs. Colleen Jones, Business Manager
Mr. Robert Lynn, Facilities Manager
Mrs. Amanda Runkle, Office Administrator